幼兒低班至中五 K2-S5
一項:HKD 300 二項:HKD 500 三項:HKD 600
2,367 發佈HKITDC
詳情內容 :

比賽日期及地點 Competition Date & Venue

比賽日期:2021年8月8日 (星期日) (比賽時間會在報名後按組別通知)
比賽地點:香港兆基創意書院 (樂富港鐵站B出口)

Date of Competition: 8 Aug, 2021 (SUN) (The competition time will be notified according to the Group after application)
Venue of Competition: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (Lok Fu MTR Exit B)

比賽組別 Competition Groups

【珠算組】幼兒低班 至 小六
【數學組】幼兒低班 至 中五
【奧數組】小一 至 小六

【Abacus】K2 to P6
【Academic】K2 to S5
【Olympic】P1 to P6

參賽費用 Application Fee

一項:HKD 300
二項:HKD 500
三項:HKD 600

ONE Item: HKD 300
TWO Items: HKD 500
THREE Items: HKD 600

賽事獎項 Awards and Prizes

.各組別均設:金獎、銀獎 及銅獎,得獎者可獲頒授 獎狀 及 獎牌。
.綜合比賽所有組別最高分十位參加者將設有「全港十強榮耀至尊大獎」獎項,得獎者可獲頒授 獎座。

.由「香港創科發展培育專業評委會」選出傑出學生,教育機構可獲「傑出教育大獎」獎項,可獲頒授 獎盃。
.由「香港創科發展培育專業評委會」選出傑出學生,數學導師可獲 「傑出導師大獎」獎項,可獲頒授 證書 及 牌匾。
.另外以參加學生人數為準,教育機構可獲得「卓越推動數學大獎」,可獲頒授 獎盃。

【Student Awards】
.There would be Gold Award、Silver Award、Bronze Award in each group. Each winner will receive a certificate and a medal.
.The 10 participants with the highest scores among all the groups would be awarded “The Best 10 Honour Award”. Each winner will receive a trophy.

【Institution Awards】
.HKITDC Professional Adjudicator Board will select outstanding students, the corresponding Institution will receive “Outstanding Award for Institutions”. Each institution will receive a trophy.
.HKITDC Professional Adjudicator Board will select outstanding students, the corresponding Maths instructor will receive “Outstanding Award for Instructors”. Each instructor will receive a certificate and a plaque trophy.
.“Devotion of Promotion of Mathematics Award” will be given to institution with efforts and contribution in the promotion of Mathematics. Each institution will receive a trophy.

比賽規則 Competition Rules

.參賽者須按照 2020-2021 年度就讀學校之年級參賽,否則將被取消參賽資格。
.Participants need to apply according to their grades in 2020-2021, otherwise participant would be disqualified.

比賽形式 Competition Format

.所有組別比賽以筆試形式進行,限時約六十分鐘 (比賽時間會因年級組別而有所調整,以準考證為準)。
.試卷設有多項選擇題 及 應用挑戰題,總分120分。

.The competition is comprised of an around 60 minutes written test (The competition time would be adjusted according to the grades and groups, be subject to the admission form).
.The paper consists of multiple choice questions and application questions, total 120 marks.

留意事項 Notes on Competition

.比賽將提供 繁體中文 及 英文 雙語試題,考生可以細閱適合自己的試題。

.Participants need to prepare their own stationary.
.Bilingual versions (Chinese and English) of papers would used in the competition.
.The Organiser HKITDC reserves the right to revise the above rules and conditions without making any advance announcement. HKITDC reserves the right of final decision makings, participants shall raise no objection.

參賽方法 Application Procedures

參賽者請填妥以下報名表格,並將付款紀錄連同此報名表格電郵至 [email protected]。主辨單位「香港創科發展培育中心」會於三個工作天內確認報名,並把款項收據透過電郵回覆。
【個人報名表格】按 此處 填寫
【團體報名表格】按 此處 下載

銀行戶口:滙豐銀行 HSBC 004-741-282636-001

Participants please fill in the below application form, send the bank-in slip with the form to the email [email protected]. HKITDC would confirm the application within 3 working days, and send back the payment receipt through email.
【Individual Application Form】 Here to fill in
【Group Application Form】Here to download

Payment Methods
Bank Transfer or Cheque Payment:
Please directly transfer the payment or deposit the cheque to the below bank account. Make a crossed cheque payable to “Hong Kong Innovation Technology Development Centre Company”.
Bank Account: HSBC 004-741-282636-001

條款及細則 Terms and Conditions

1. 本會於比賽、培訓及頒獎期間之攝影或攝錄作品,將用作日後宣傳推廣用途,毋須事先徵求參賽者及其家長同意或支付任何費用。
2. 主辦單位「香港創科發展培育中心」保留一切更改及詮釋比賽規則之權利而不作另行通知。「香港創科發展培育中心」保留最後決定權,參賽者不得爭議。
3. 如有任何疑問,歡迎 Whatsapp 6636 4298 或電郵至 [email protected] 與主辨單位「香港創科發展培育中心」聯絡。

1. All filming or video taking during the competition, training and ceremony would be used on promotional purposes. Prior notice of payment and agreement to participants for the copyright is not required.
2. The Organiser HKITDC reserves the right to revise the above rules and conditions without making any advance announcement. HKITDC reserves the right of final decision makings, participants shall raise no objection.
3. If there is any enquires, please contact with the Organizer “Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Centre” by Whatsapp 6636 4298 or email to [email protected].

