比賽「突破殘障」--全港小學生繪畫比賽 Breakthrough Disability Hong Kong Primary School Students Drawing Competition
2022/01/01 ~ 2022/04/01
2,693 發佈張老師
詳情內容 :


Breakthrough Disability

Hong Kong Primary School Students Drawing Competition


主辦機構The organizer : 德貞女子中學 Tack Ching Girls' Secondary School

協辦 The co-organizer : 香港傷殘青年協會 Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth

贊助The sponsor:萬希泉鐘錶有限公司 Memorigin Watch Company Limited

鄺美雲珠寶公司 Cally K Jewellery Limited


比賽網址 Competition website:http://www.tackching.edu.hk


條款及細則 Terms and Conditions

1. 比賽目的 Aims of the competition

1.1 寄望同學能欣賞和學習殘障運動員那份堅毅不屈的精神,努力學習,裝備自己,將來服務社群。

We hope students can appreciate and learn the perseverance of disabled athletes, study hard and equip themselves to serve the community in the future.

1.2 藉比賽激發同學創意,互相交流,並一展所長。

We aim to inspire creativity among students interested in art, by giving them an opportunity to showcase their talent and to learn from each other


2. 比賽組別Entry Categories

初小組(小一至小三) 及 高小組(小四至小六)

Junior Primary (Primary 1 to 3) and Senior Primary (Primary 4 to 6)


3. 作品要求Requirements of Works

3.1 以「突破殘障」為主題,繪畫一張平面作品,顏料不限。恕不接受電腦繪畫。

Create a graphic work on the theme “Breakthrough Disability”. There is no colour restriction for the work. Computer graphics are not accepted.

3.2 將作品繪畫於一張A3 (297x420mm) / 八開(272x393/ 260x380mm)畫紙上。

Draw the work on an A3 (297x420mm) / 8K(272x393/ 260x380mm) paper.


4. 作品截止日期Deadline of submission:

2022年4月1日(星期五 )

1st April, 2022(Friday)


5. 評審團 Jury Panel

謝炎安先生 香港中文大學藝術系兼任講師

Mr. Tse Yim On Part-time Lecturer of Fine Arts Department, CUHK

吳家榮醫生 香港傷殘青年協會主席

Dr. Ng Ka-wing, GaryChairperson of Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth

沈慧林先生 萬希泉鐘錶有限公司創辦人兼行政總裁

Mr. William Shum Founder & CEO of Memorigin Watch Co. Ltd.

鄺美雲太平紳士 全國人大代表

Ms. Cally Kwong, JP 鄺美雲珠寶公司董事長

Deputy to the National People’s Congress

Chairman of Cally K Jewellery Limited


6. 評審準則Assessment criteria

切合主題內容(50%) 美感(50%)

Adherence to the theme (50%) Aesthetics (50%)


7. 獎項Prizes

各組各設下列獎項Prizes for each category:

冠軍(一名) :獎狀、獎盃一座及800元書券

亞軍(一名) :獎狀、獎盃一座及500元書券

季軍(一名) :獎狀、獎盃一座及300元書券

優異(十名) :獎狀及100元書券

Champion (1 ) : a certificate, a trophy and a $800 book coupon

First Runner-up (1) : a certificate, a trophy and a $500 book coupon

Second Runner-up (1) : a certificate, a trophy and a $300 book coupon

Merits (10) : a certificate and a $100 book coupon


8. 參加辦法Entry Submission:


填妥參加表格,將參賽表格貼於作品背後,於截止日期前將作品郵寄或直接送抵德貞女子中學(九龍深水埗興華街西9號)。如以郵寄方式遞交作品,請於信封註明參加「突破殘障」--全港小學生繪畫比賽 。

Submitted by mail / hand delivery

Fill in the registration form and paste it at the back of the work. Submit the work to Tack Ching Girls’ Secondary School (9 Hing Wah Street West, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon) by post or in person on or before the submission deadline. Please states “Breakthrough Disability -- Hong Kong Primary School Students Drawing Competition” on the envelope if delivered by post.


Entries that have received awards in other competitions will not be accepted.


All submissions will not be returned.


9. 查詢 Enquiry:

如有任何查詢,請致電 2729 3211 或電郵至[email protected]

Please call 2729 3211 or email to [email protected] for enquiries.


10. 結果公佈及領獎

Result announcement and award presentation ceremony

10.1 比賽結果將於2022年4月25日在比賽網址上公佈。獲獎同學及學校將個別收到通知。頒獎禮將於2022年5月7日假香港賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC)舉行,而典禮的安排或細節將於稍後 公布。

The results will be announced on the website for the competition on April 25, 2022. The winners and schools will be notified individually. The award presentation ceremony will be held at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) on May 7, 2022, and the arrangements and details of the award presentation ceremony will be announced at a later stage.

10.2 得獎者必須出席頒獎典禮,所有獎項不設補發。

Winners must attend the award presentation ceremony. All awards will not be reissued.


11. 主辦單位保留修改比賽規則的權利

The organizer reserves the right to amend the rules of the competition.


12. 如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權,參賽者不得異議。

In case of any dispute, the decision of the organizer will be final and binding on all parties concerned.


13. 個人資料(私隱)收集聲明

Personal Data (Privacy) Collection Statement


Personal data provided by participants will only be used for matters related to this event. Such data will be disposed of after the competition.

