- 報名表格: https://bit.ly/3Li4NZn
🆕現正接受報名🆕 報名表格: https://bit.ly/3Li4NZn
With the sponsorship of the Equal Opportunities Commission, HKMMDA will organise Multimedia Youth Digital Comic Creative Competition.
The aims are:
- to promote the Disability Discrimination Ordinance and the Race Discrimination Ordinance through digital comic creation;
- to enhance children and youth's understanding of racial and disability discrimination;
- to explore students’ creativity in art tech ;
- to enhance their interest in art and technology;
- to develop their team spirit and problem-solving skills.
主題 Themes
- 比賽以「殘疾歧視條例」或「種族歧視條例」為主題,作品須具備推廣殘疾歧視條例或種族歧視條例、尊重與平等的元素。
With “Disability Discrimination Ordinance” or "Race Discrimination Ordinance"as the theme of the Competition, entries should contain elements of promoting Disability Discrimination Ordinance or Race Discrimination Ordinance, respect and equality. - 所有作品必須是以電腦繪畫之四格/六格/八格漫畫。
All entries must contain 4/6/8 panels of cartoons either in the form of computer printouts.
報名表格: https://bit.ly/3Li4NZn
- 參賽者需介乎6-15歲,並有一位家長/監護人陪同參加;
Participants must be aged between 6-15 years old and accompanied by a parent/guardian ; - 於本表格報名填寫參加者和陪同者的個人資料,並上載港幣200元按金繳交證明;
Enrol online via this Google Form with participant and accompanying person particulars and upload proof of HKD 200 deposit payment; - 並在創作完成後上傳參賽作品至表格。
Upload entries to the submission form.
工作坊日期:2022年 5月下旬
截止提交比賽作品 :2022年 6月中旬
比賽活動閉幕禮:2022年 8月上旬
Enrolment deadline : 25 March 2022
Workshops dates: late May 2022
Deadline of Submission: mid June 2022
Closing ceremony: early August 2022
主辦機構 The organiser : 香港多媒體設計協會 Hong Kong Multimedia Design Association (HKMMDA)
比賽網站 Website : https://www.hkmmda.org/digitalcomic2022