工作坊香港小莎翁【“莎劇星期六“-互動英語面授課程】2021年9月18日 - 10月23日 (適合中小學生)
2021/09/18 ~ 2021/10/23
香港鰂魚湧太古城道8號太古城東海閣地下G903 (太古站D2出口)
8-15 歳 學生
HK$1180-1800 / 學生
669 發佈Shakespeare ForAll
詳情內容 :

香港小莎翁【莎劇星期六-互動英語面授課程】2021918日 - 1023(適合中小學生)

莎劇星期六  - 互動戲劇課程 (2021)

上課日期: (6個星期六) 

20219: 18 ,25

        10:  2, 9, 16日, 23日

學費: HK$1180-$1800/學生

形式:  英語面授課


地點:香港鰂魚涌太古城道8號太古城東海閣地下G903 (港鐡太古站D2出口)




查詢[email protected] 

1.  木偶奇遇趣

班別 & 時間:

 6-7 歳班 (上課時間:  10:00am - 11am )

 8-11歳班 (上課時間:  11::15am -  12:15pm)

學費: HK$1180/學生


2. 道具趣作室

班別 & 時間:

7-10 歳班 (上課時間:  1:15pm - 2:15pm )

學費: HK$1180/學生


3. 奇幻化妝術

班別 & 時間:

12-15歳班 (上課時間:  2:30pm - 4pm )

學費: HK$1800/學生


4. 趣字創故事

班別 & 時間:

9 11歳班 (上課時間:  4:30pm - 5:30pm)

學費: HK$1180/學生


Youtube (香港小莎翁) :





Shakespeare4AllShakeup Saturdays - Interactive Workshops】18 September to 23 October 2021 (for Secondary and Primary School Students)

*Registration: https://forms.gle/zDz8M2aUE7jwzDaRA


Enquiry : [email protected] 


Class Dates:  (Total: 6 Saturdays)

Year 2021:

September  18,25 

October  2,9,16,23              


Course Fee: HK$ 1180 - 1800 / Student

Format: English Speaking Class 



Shop G903, G/F Tung Hoi Mansion,

8 Taikoo Shing Road,

Tai Koo Shing, Quarry Bay

(Taikoo MTR station-Exit D2)


1.<Playing Puppets>

Workshop Content: 

Using recycling material and imagination to build and explore storytelling and creative character through the art of puppetry.


Age group and Class time:

Year 6-7 (10am - 11am)

Year 8-11 (11:15am - 12:15pm)

Fee: HK$ 1180 / workshop 


2.<Production House Prop Making>

Workshop Content:

Foundation skills in puppet creation and connecting the actors body and movement to the character of the puppet.


Age group and Class time: 

Year 7-10 (1:15pm - 2:15pm)

Fee: HK$1180 / workshop


3.<Artists touch to Make Up>

Workshop Content:

How does the Makeup Artist make an actor look like  they've been through the wars? Discover the tricks of the trade with this nitty gritty journey into the world of stage and screen makeup for wounds, scars, cuts and bruises.


Age group and Class time:

Year 12-15 (2:30pm - 4pm)

Fee: HK$1800 / workshop 


4.<Words, Words, Words>

Workshop Content:

Creating, improvising and extending the mind through creative story building of the spoken word to the page. Are you the next 

Arthur Conan Doyle or J.K Rowling? Roll up and roll out those ideas lets see how the story can evolve.


Age group and Class time:

Year 9-11 (4:30pm - 5:30pm)

Fee: HK$1180 / workshop  


Youtube (about S4A): https://youtu.be/EMAzjUHETAU 


[If the outbreak of Covid 19 continues, the course would be converted into online format.]


